

"Thank you! I’m so amazed right now! The fact that when he was so set on seeing me last night. He wouldn’t take no as an answer. He then told me he hasn’t been able to get me off his mind for a few days now and he woke up with a huge urge to text me and had the urge to see me. I knew it was the binding love spell because he’s very prideful. I am at awe! Like I can’t believe it. Last time we spoke he was upset and done with me and now he’s all looking for me and wanting me to talk to me. Thank you Lilly! Keep working your spell and I’ll be patient. 

Thank you again!"



"I had a spell cast by someone called *name withheld*, a UK witch before I found you and a lady called *name withheld* and they were very nasty to me. I was worried that maybe they did something to make my situation worse. Lilly, you and your team of spell casters broke and cleansed those bad spells and put things right with the binding love spell. I don’t know where I’d be without the spell casting services your organization provides. 

Thank you so much!"

— Violet Calloway
Leeds, UK


"I was a no one before I met you. A plain Jane that no one would take a second glance at. Since requesting you cast the attract love spell I have had more dates in the past month than I have in my entire life! You are a miracle worker! I have actually had guys stop me on the street to ask me to grab a cup of coffee with them. I could not have asked for anything more. I haven’t settled down yet and have no intentions of doing so anytime soon. I am having a great time and having fun! 

Thank you!"

— Wendy
austin, tx


"My husband never bought me anything if it wasn’t a holiday or birthday and even then never bought me anything good. I had been eyeing this three stone diamond & ruby necklace for sometime, never mentioned it to him but often thought about what it would be like to have him surprise me with something like that. I requested the gift money spell and two days later my husband surprised me with the exact necklace I had been looking at. I had never even told him about that necklace. That same day he had given me the gift of taking me shopping for a new dress (to wear with the new necklace), a day at the spa and the most romantic dinner we have ever had! 

Thank you so much!"

— veronica
Santa fe, NM


"Hi Lilly,
He broke up with her and came home before Christmas! Thanks for all the help.


— trina
Los Angeles, CA


"I’m sorry, Lilly. I know you said I wouldn't feel any different but I really do. I feel lucky all the time. Maybe it is just in my head but I really do feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I find opportunities and win when I chase them now. But to anyone reading this, Lilly’s advice is the best in the world. She listens and gives it to you plainly and holding back nothing and never sugar coating. 

Thank you again!"

— Tony
Winston Salem, NC


"To Everyone at Seductive Spells – I wanted to write and thank you for everything you have done for me. Remember that horrible job I was working when I first contacted you? It was a complete and total nightmare! I was taking Prozac just to help me deal with the depression that was caused with being there. Getting out of bed in the morning was never easy because I knew I had to go spend the next 8 hours in misery. A few days after I requested a new job/promotion money spell, I was waiting in line at a coffee shop and heard the gentlemen behind me talking about how hard it was filling the new marketing position at their firm. I couldn’t help but overhear what they were saying and turned around. One of the men standing behind me was an old college buddy. We had lost contact after college and went our separate ways but it was total magick that he was in that coffee shop as it is no where near where he lives or works. I mentioned that I overheard their conversation and asked if we could meet the following day to discuss it. After getting my coffee, I walked into my old job, quit on the spot and never looked back. I have been happily employed now for 5 years at a wonderful firm and am the Director of Marketing and Sales (and no longer need Prozac to go to work). I also met my future wife there. I owe this all to you! 

Thank you so much!"

— Tom
Newark, NJ


"Lilly, I am an avid diver and work with a small group of treasure hunters. We loved what we did but never got that “big find”. Not until we found your site! A week after requesting the Find a Treasure money spell, we were on a routine scouting trip in an area had don several dives in prior. Something showed on the radar that was not there before. We dropped anchor and went to take a look. It was a very old Spanish galleon… sitting there in an area we had been to many times. The ship contained gold and treasures that we unimaginable to us. We received our finders’ fee, interviews, and articles. It has been a great adventure. 

We cannot thank your spell casters at edit*spell casters moon enough!"

— Tommy and the gang
Madrid, Spain


"Thank you for your patience with me during my custom spell casting. During the middle for February my long time on again off again girlfriend broke up with me. She had some major problems going on in her life at the time and I was receiving some of the blame for them and she just felt it would be better if we were not together. And in typical fashion she handled the break up poorly and completely ignored me as she always did during prior break ups. I also had 2 recent deaths in my family (1 happened before we broke up and the other happened about 2 months later). So I had a lot of stress going on in my life. I hired Seductive Spells around the middle of February; they had a money back guarantee which made me feel that they must be good at what they do. So I went into this thinking that I would have my ex back in about 4 weeks. Well as time dragged on I started to feel as if this was not going to work at all. During all of this she moved, her phone number was disconnected and I thought this was over for good. In fact I decided that I had better get used to being single again and I tried to forget about her. I started hanging out with my friends more, I even wrote to Lilly requesting my money back. Lilly told me that she felt that this would work, that I had to remain positive and she felt that things would turn around. Throughout all of this Lilly always would amazingly get back to me quickly when I would send her an e-mail, usually within a few hours of the email being sent. As I had been pretty negative about this throughout most of the last 4 weeks I decided to follow her advice and let them continue casting for me. I completely tried to put my ex out of my mind as best I could and kept myself pretty busy, something that I had not done much of since we had broken up. Memorial Day night she called me and told me that she wanted us back together, that she missed me a lot, and that I had to let her know right then and there as we were on the phone if we were going to get back together. I was shocked, each time we did get back together before it was always me that made the 1st move; never had she made the 1st move. We have seen each other almost every night since then and things are getting back to where they used to be. I have to tell you it’s still really hard to believe. She is pretty nervous talking around me sometimes since we have gotten back together and I notice that she is trying to be careful not to say or do the wrong things. "

— Tim
Long Beach, CA


"I had to update you on what was going on. As you know John and I had just bought a new house, a “fixer-upper” and had been working on it together for months before I found you. All of the projects we took on were at a cost to our relationship. While we both wanted the same thing there were constant fights on how to go about it. Since requesting the strengthen our relationship love spell we have been able to take on anything that comes before us as a united couple… even home remodeling projects! The house looks wonderful and didn’t cost us our marriage. 

Thank You!"

— Summer
Glasgow, Scotland


"Remember that little dirt bag that my daughter was dating? He was only 17, 15 piercings and 2 tattoos already, completely disrespectful, would sneak into our house at night and drink the beer in the fridge and treated her horribly. But first loves, we have all been there. She deserved better. I ordered the Split Them Up revenge spell and within a week he was gone. She caught him cheating on her with her friend. Needless to say she hasn’t spoken to either of them since. That was almost a year ago. She has moved on to a nice kid (still has piercings) but treats her well and that is all I ever want for her is to be happy and taken care of. 

Thank you Lilly!"

— Steve
Daytona Beach, FL


"After years of watching my uncle verbally abuse my aunt, I finally had to do something about it. She was too committed to her family to ever leave him but he was brutal somedays. I wanted to hurt him, not physically but wanted him to suffer. I found spellcastersmoon.com and it took me some time to find which revenge spell was right and I finally settled on Night Terrors revenge spell. A few nights after I requested the casting I could hear him screaming from his room. I woke and ran into the hallway, my aunt was also there watching him writhe in bed covered in sweat with the sheets twisted around him. That was just the first night, they would come and go, but finally drove him to a point that he calmed his daytime behavior for fear of what would be lurking when he closed his eyes. After a couple of weeks I felt bad and had the spell reversed but it did its job. We found out later that he was the one haunting him in his dreams. Enough to make him see the monster he had become. 

Thank you for what you have done for my aunt."

— Sissy
Dallas, TX


"Lilly, I wanted to take a minute to thank you for all of your work and effort. I requested a 2nd Degree binding love spell and received the strengthen our relationship love spell as my free spell and within 3 days Sam was back and home with me and we are finally talking about marriage and kids! I cannot thank you enough for your spell casting services! I have already recommended two friends to you for help with their love lives!!! 

Bless you and Thank you"

— Shelly
Atlanta, GA


"Lilly, I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for me. About a year ago I my partner split up, we had both made BIG mistakes in our relationship. He ended up moving away from me to pursue a new life. I knew in my heart that he would be the only one to make me happy. I was relieved when I found your site and what you had to offer. I requested 15 day casting of the reunite us love spell and within two weeks Greg’s company had relocated him back to our hometown where I still lived. We immediately reconnected and move in with each other. Our wedding date is set for Summer 2009. Expect to see your invite in the mail! 

Thank you!"

— Samantha
Surrey, England


"I hated going to work every day to see the sniveling little weasel that cheated to get his current position. When I say cheated, I mean literally, he started an affair with the female director (while they were both married) and despite the fact that my abilities were stronger he got the job I wanted. I found spellcastersmoon.com and had a Lose his job revenge spell cast. About a week later he was fired for undisclosed reasons (rumor has it he gave her herpes!) 

Thanks to you all at spellcastersmoon.com!"

— Rodney
Portland, Oregon


"Lilly, Just a quick update. I had a couple of spells cast on an ex of mine, he was my ex-boyfriend and an ex-business partner so I was doubly hurt. I never wanted to cause him physical harm but wanted him to suffer for what he had done to me. I won’t list the revenge spells that I requested but me and my friend had a good laugh at the final outcome. I did eventually reverse all spells cast on him (yes I felt bad), but not before he had lost pretty much everything and moved in with his mom. Even his dog rejected him. The guy just couldn’t catch a break. 

Thanks to all of you that run the site at spellcastersmoon.com"

— Robin
New York, New York


"Thank you again for all that you have done. I initially contact you because I thought that someone had stolen a box of keepsakes out of our garage when our house was broken into last summer. Some of the items had been found and returned but this box was still missing. It had some very valuable antiques in it as well as old family photos and heirlooms. I was devastated when we couldn’t find it. I had the Find a Lost or stolen Item money spells cast and four days later I got a call from my mom who said she had a roof leak and there were some contractors in her attic, while they were up there they had found this box. It was the only box in the attic; she never used her attic for storage so we still can’t explain it other than it was complete and total magic! I am so thankful for what you have given me and my family to remember those that have passed. 


— Rebecca
Manchester, England


"Initially I was skeptical of your services. I had been to other spell sites looking for fame and fortune and all I got was empty promises and no results. I finally found you and I could not be happier. I am greatly enjoying my time in the spotlight. I love people recognizing me in the street. You and your real fame and fortune money spell casters at Seductive Spells are amazing and I cannot thank you enough."

— Private
Hollywood, CA


"Lilly, After a long and painful (physically, mentally and emotionally) relationship and then break-up with my ex he continued to haunt me, continued to stalk me in my quest for a new life… even though he had a new woman to torture. I tried the police, they couldn’t keep him away. I turned to friends for protection and they couldn’t help me. I moved, he found me. I had no way out. You were my last resort to make him see and to be done with me and his cruel ways. The stories I have heard of what have happened to him I will no repeat but some have been horrific. He has since left me alone since he now has his own problems to deal with. I have been able to have a life my life without always looking over my shoulder thanks to you and the other revenge spell casters at spell casters moon. Thank you for giving me my life back. "

— Mary Ann
Boston, MA


"I have been having a wonderful time since we last spoke. A quick recap, I had been married for 20 years, 4 kids, both of us had very demanding jobs and when we were finally able to lay down at night were too exhausted to make love, even occasionally. Our love life had gone from hot (hence the 4 kids) to non-existent. We settled into a pattern and just thought that this was how things were supposed to be when we finally “grew up”. Boy were we wrong! Since having the increased sexual desire love spell cast on us we have not been able to get enough of each other. We have even gone so far as to having weekly “business meetings” that last 4 -5 hours… we get A LOT of work done during those meetings! I cannot say enough wonderful things about spell casters moon and their circle of casters. 

Absolutely Amazing!"

— Jennifer
Washington D.C.


"Lilly, I still laugh every time I think of my former ex (now fiance). I had the adult dysfunctions revenge spell cast on him and got to hear the stories come in. He couldn’t figure out what had happened to him. He tried pills, creams, anything over the counter or under to help his situation. After watching him suffer a bit, I was sympathetic and we talked, ended up working out our differences and I reversed the spell. He still doesn’t know what happened and I still laugh when I think about it."

— Jenna
Alberta, Canada


"When I contacted you I was 6 months into a bitter divorce battle. I thought that my marriage and family was ruined. I found your site and breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did your Stop Divorce love spell work super fast but you and your circle was there to help me and counsel me through every step of the process. You have helped me so much and I am happy to update you on our progress. Jordan and I have reconciled and have since renewed our vows. We are stronger than ever. I am so happy that you were able to help me keep my family intact. Without you I am not sure what I would have done. 

Thank you all!"

— Jeannie
Detroit, MI


"I hated running into my ex everywhere I went, a new guy on her arm every time! She always said they were “friends” but I knew better. I finally hit my breaking point when we ran into each other at a club one night. I was hanging out with my buddies and she was with yet another new guy… hanging all over him… showing off in front of me and my friends. I was fed up. One of my friends referred me to SeductiveSpells.com and I could not be more pleased with the results! I have not seen her on a date since the first night of casting and hear from her friends that she doesn’t go out anymore, tried for a little while and failed miserably. I haven’t decided yet if I am going to reverse the revenge spell or not. 


— Jared
Long Beach, CA


"We travel in our RV every year and love to hit the casinos along the way. We hit the jackpot a few times for over $10,000.00 in the past, but after having Lilly and the other spell casters do the casino spell we hit big for over $50,000.00 twice. The first one was almost 3 months later but it did work. The second time we won was 3 weeks after hitting the first one. 

Needless to say, we extended our trip this year, HAHA. We send you all our gratitude."

— Gary & Michelle
Indianapolis, In


"When I found spellcastersmoon.com I was so frustrated with what had recently happened. There were two of us in line for a great promotion at work. However, I was not willing to “fix the books” like my manager wanted so I did not get the promotion… the other guy did. I really needed that to survive as I was barely getting by on my measly pay. I found your site and knew what I wanted… I wanted my manager to finally be caught, along with the guy that now had the promotion, wanted them both to get what they deserved. A week after requesting the ramshackled finances revenge spell our company was audited, the accounting discrepancies were found and the people responsible were let go and brought up on fraud charges. I now have my ex-managers job and don’t expect my employees to “fix” anything other than their mistakes. 

Thank you for all you have done for me and my family!"

— Freddie
Buffalo, NY


"Lilly, I am so happy to tell you that Frank and I just got back from a wonderful second honey moon in Greece after renewing our vows. After being married for 10 years and 2 kids later, the luster had been long gone from our marriage until I found you. Our first wedding was in front of a judge, quick and to the point because neither of us could afford more. Our vow renewal was everything that we wanted and the honeymoon was absolutely amazing! It feels like we have fallen in love for the first time all over again. I owe you a big hug! 


— Cora
Los Angeles, CA


"Dear Lilly, I wanted to thank you (yet again) for bringing Emily back to me. We had known each other for what seemed a lifetime and dated on and off during that lifetime. A couple years ago some rich beau moved to town and swept her away from me. They got married after 2 months of dating and moved away, I had no idea where she was or how to get a hold of her! I requested that the split them up and reunite us love spell be cast for me. A week later, out of nowhere, Emily showed up on my doorstep. Said she had been miserable in her short marriage, the guy was great but not for her. I helped her file for divorce and we got married at a justice of the peace two days after her divorce was final. We have been happy every since. You have done more for me that I could possibly ever repay you for. 

Thank you so much!"

— Charlie
Sydney, Australia


"Lilly and friends, I wanted to give you an update on my situation. On Feb 14, 2006 I requested a binding love spell be cast on my boyfriend. His eyes roamed to any woman that passed us and it made me feel horrible. I am happy to report that a week after I requested the spell he proposed to me. We have been married for a year now, are expecting our first child in Nov. 2009 and he no longer has eyes for any other woman. I was greatly impressed with the fast results and the personal attention I was shown during the casting and beyond. 

Thank you so much for all you have done!"

— Bridget
Fort Lauderdale, Fl


"I couldn’t wait to update you on what has happened. I requested the absolute good luck money spell be cast only last Thursday. Over the weekend I found $100.00 laying on the ground outside my apartment, purchased a lotto ticket and won $10,000 from that and won a new car from a sweepstakes! To top it off, I went into work on Monday and got the promotion I had been wanting! I could not believe how fast your spells work. I will certainly recommend Seductive Spells to any of my friends. 

Thank you for all you have done for me and my family!"

— Bill
Grand Rapids, MI


"Just wanted to take a minute to thank you for what you have done. My husband and I go to Atlantic City every year for our anniversary. I really didn’t want to go this year because I am tired of throwing money away. This year I took a chance and requested the Win a Casino Jackpot money spell be cast on us. Nothing seemed to change at first but day two, me at the craps table, we couldn’t lose. Ended up leaving there with $150,000! It was the best anniversary ever! 

We can not thank you enough."

— Betty & Fred
Augusta, ME


"I have never been a big gambler but I do regularly play bingo on Sunday afternoon as well as the daily three and daily four drawings a couple times a week. I began to wonder why I bothered. I was spending over $75 – $100 a week and getting nothing in return. I requested the Win The Lottery money spell be cast on me prior to one of my Sunday bingo outings and it worked! For the first time in 3 years I had actually won. Now I regularly win at bingo, and the daily three and four that I play. It makes me so happy that I found you. 

Thank you!"

— Betsy
Naples, Florida


"Dear Lilly, We were so financially strapped when I found you I couldn’t even afford a money spell. You were my last hope to help us get out of debt and finally have the financial freedom we kept striving for. You sensed my desperation and allowed me to make payments on my money spells. I cannot say enough good things about you and your circle. You all did so much to help me and my family. We no longer wonder if we can make the mortgage this month and in fact recently purchased a larger house and no longer have to worry about answering the phone for fear of creditors. 

Thank you for all you have done for me and my family!"

— Bernard
Denver, CO


"I can’t thank you enough for the laughs we have had at my ex’s expense. She was NOT a good girlfriend by any means and did a lot to hurt me. By the time we were separated there was so much pent up frustration that I had to do something. I sought you out to curse her for her wrong doings. The weeks that followed I would get the occasional report of bad things happening to her. Nothing harmful but amusing (at least to me). The most memorable one was that she was showering and the side of her house fell off, literally fell off, strong gust of wind. This included the inside of the shower wall as well. Upon further investigation they found a serious leak that had rotted clear through the walls and the glue that was holding on the shower surround just wasn’t enough to hold the whole wall anymore. I would have paid to see that! Who does that happen to??? I still can’t stop laughing about that one. 


— Anthony
Los Angeles, CA


"Your service has been so amazing. Before finding spellcastersmoon.com our house was in foreclosure, our car had just been repossessed and our credit cards were maxed out! It has been a year since I requested the financial windfall money spell and money just seems to come so easy now. Stocks that I forgot I had (a 20th birthday present from my grandma) have skyrocketed, I was in a position to start my own firm and it is thriving. My wife no longer has to work and now spends her time volunteering at a local animal shelter. We have plans in the works to build a shelter of our own now. I am amazed at how fast everything worked! 

Thank you again!"

— Andrew
Greensborough, NC