Curse Justice Spell
Curse Justice Spell
CURSE someone! Do you want someone to fail at everything they do? Want to see them trip on their shoelaces and flop on their face? Our CURSES will remove the effectiveness of an individual in everything they do. This includes business, love, and life in general. Our clients report back laughing at the horror their enemy is going through. There have been stories of rat or cockroach infestations, damaged to home or car while away and various other things that will thoroughly amuse you if you want them to pay for the wrong doing. We will warn you, many feel bad afterwards and request us reverse the spell after a couple weeks of watching the person suffer. Our spell reversals are always FREE.
What’s the difference between the degrees?
The degree is the strength of the spell. Higher degree castings are much stronger than the respective lower degree, and because spells have a cumulative effect and higher degrees are cast over more nights than the lower degree the spell becomes much stronger, offering a more profound impact on the situation. Some situations require a stronger spell so if you’re not sure what degree or strength to get it might be wise to get the free consult.